Hey There!

Everything below is FREE content that we feel would be of value to you to have access to so please immerse yourselves in all we have!


-Your NEW Favorite Tool!-

We love this tool & only use the Herm Sprenger brand specifically because of the even pressure that it distributes around the dog's neck. They take extra safety measures to make sure the tool is not only safe & comfortable sitting on the dogs neck, but also effective for training.

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It happens to everyone- we get into ruts when it feels like one bad thing after another keeps happening to us. When this occurs most of us would be asking the “why me” question as if the universe has a personal vendetta against a single individual.


So what's Permission based training & why does it work?

-It gets dogs out of auto-piloting & gives them a task. Dogs that are in auto pilot just instantly react to things without considering the repercussions-these reactions can sometimes be bad!


That Zen Place

Duration work; The method & effects it has on dogs!

Teaching a dog to DO something is easy for dogs to pick up on, teaching stillness is difficult!